Saturday, January 17, 2015

How to cut a lime to get all the juice

When tasked with juicing a lime, what is the first thought that comes to mind? Do you cringe at the idea of pulling your juicer out from the depths of your pantry? Are you concerned you won't be able to squeeze out all the juice you need by hand? Well, now you don't have to fear, because the creative minds at Handimania are here to take the stress out of hand juicing forever.
Limes tend to be smaller and harder than lemons, so you've probably noticed you can't juice them the same way. The trick to getting the most out of your limes is a few quick cuts away. Check out the video below and never waste money on bottled lime juice again.

Friday, October 3, 2014

A Good Cook

A good cook is the peculiar gift of the gods. He must be a perfect creature from the brain to the palate, from the palate to the finger's end. Walter Savage Landor

The discovery of a new dish does more for the happiness of mankind than the discovery of a star. Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

Monday, June 16, 2014

Eat to live NOT live to eat

“ Motivation is like food for the brain. You cannot get enough in one sitting. It needs continual and regular top up s.” Peter Davies

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Milk and Lemon Whitens your Skin

Spread Milk and lemon or Calamansi on your skin, face, and body, it whitens your skin, leave it dry, then rinse. have a smooth and beautiful skin.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tofu Health Benefits

Tofu Health Benefits Health Benefits 

Tofu is rich in calcium,iron, fiber,carbohydrates, rich in amino acid,antioxidant, low in cholesterol, protect the brain,strong bones, high in protein,reduce cholesterol level, prevent risk of heart problem, prevent prostate, uterus, and breast cancer.

Tofu can be substitute for meat, lots of nutrients.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Merry Christmas !

My favourite accompaniment on Christmas Day is baked and mashed root vegetables, which is really tasty and can be prepared well in advance. Cut 500g each of peeled carrots, butternut squash, swede, parsnip and celeriac into cubes. Heat up a pan on a medium heat and add 150g butter.

When melted, add 12g thyme, two bay leaves, six sliced garlic cloves and the vegetables and some salt and pepper. Cook this in a shallow pan and cover with a lid. Continue to cook for 10-12 minutes, then add 500ml chicken stock.
Carry on cooking for a further 10-12 minutes without the lid and add 80g honey and cook until soft and the liquid has reduced. Mash the vegetables to a course puree, then place in a buttered casserole dish, cover in 50g of breadcrumbs and sprinkle over 30g golden syrup. Grate over a little nutmeg, then bake in the oven at 170C/gas mark 3 for 30 minutes.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

10 Things No One Ever Tells You About Doing a Detox

They have been a celebrity beauty secret and weight loss trick for years, but now that detoxing and juice cleanses have been introduced to the masses, it is rare to meet someone who hasn't tried one. Nowadays, at-home juicers are as common as toasters and cold-pressed juice shops are on every corner. The benefits from detoxing are truly endless, but there are still some things to be aware of before you start your cleanse.By Molly Carroll >

1. Prepare Accordingly. Consider the days leading up to your cleanse, as your "pre-cleanse" phase. This means binging on your favorite food the night before is not recommended, instead you should cut down on the coffee, meat, sugar and dairy and add more fruit and vegetables to your diet. This will make the transition into the cleanse a lot easier, and the withdrawals less intense.
2. It's not for everyone. If you are under the age of 18, are pregnant or nursing, it is not advised that you try a juice cleanse.
3. You will lose weight, fast. By cutting all fat from your diet and drinking juices that consist of strictly fruits and vegetables, you are bound to shed pounds. The catch is, some people end up gaining the weight back, and then some after the cleanse is over. With that said, the purpose of the cleanse is to adopt a healthier relationship with food and to embrace a healthier lifestyle in general, so if the cleanse works for you on a physical AND mental basis, the weight should stay off.
4. It's expensive. If you are ordering a juice cleanse package, the going rate is about $65 a day. If you'd rather make your juices at home, the cost of a juicer can reach the staggering price of $400, not including the bundles of fruits and vegetables you need to make the juices.
5. The juices aren't exactly filling. It may not come as a surprise, but drinking your meals does not provide the same satisfaction as chewing your food. You are drinking about 5 or 6 juices a day though, so you are receiving an insane amount of nutrients that will get you through the day.
6. The first few days are tough. Because your body is eliminating toxins, you may experience some symptoms of withdrawal like fatigue, nausea and irritability. After those first couple of days though, you will begin to feel energized, clear and ready to take on the world.
7. There are ways to avoid withdrawals. Drink lots of water, rest, and exercise for at least 30 minutes a day before, during and after your cleanse to help lessen or prevent withdrawal symptoms from occurring.
8. It's not just about weight loss. Detoxing your body is a way of rebooting your system and cleansing your body of any possible toxins. If you are feeling sluggish, experiencing digestive problems or having trouble sleeping, a detox may be the answer to those problems.
9. The length of the cleanse can vary. There is no magic number of days when it comes to staying on a cleanse. Detoxes can range from 3 days to 60 days, it all depends on what is right for you and your body. That's why consulting your doctor before you start a cleanse to determine what length of time is best for you is recommended.
10. Post cleanse diet is important too. Weaning yourself off of the cleanse is just as important as the cleanse itself. You should end your detox gradually, and slowly incorporate regular foods into your diet in order to prolong the benefits you received during the detox. Basically this means for the first few days after your cleanse, you should stick to eating the mostly raw food that you have been juicing.